Erika Martin is an associate professor in the Department of Public Administration and Policy at SUNY-Albany. She uses mixed methods to evaluate the allocation of scarce public health resources, adoption and impact of public health policies, and ways to improve the sustainability and impact of open health data platforms. Her work in HIV policy includes evaluating: federal Ryan White funding formulas, interstate variation in HIV drug formularies, the budget impact of expanded HIV screening, repealing the ban on federal funding for syringe exchange, how the Affordable Care Act will affect HIV care, the impact of New York’s HIV testing law and Ending the Epidemic policy strategies, and the evolution of New York’s policy response to opioid overdose. In addition to her HIV policy research, she studies how public health agencies can release open data in a way that is more usable and fit for public health research. Martin has considerable experience working with government clients to translate evidence-based research into practice. She received her Bachelor's of Arts from Brown University, her Master's of Public Health in Epidemiology from the University of Michigan, and her doctoral degree in Health Policy and Administration from Yale University.