CHERISH Research Affiliates make up an expansive network of investigators in North America who have robust experience in health economics, health services, and clinical trials research that focus on the treatment of HIV, HCV, and substance use disorder. We bring CHERISH Research Affiliates together through curated webinars and training opportunities to foster collaboration across disciplines and further health economic research.
Research Affiliates

Lindsay Allen, PhD, MA
- Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University

Sabrina A. Assoumou, MD, MPH
- Boston Medical Center

Marcus Bachhuber, MD, MSHP
- Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

Carolina Barbosa, PhD, PharmD
- RTI International

Joshua Barocas, MD
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Colleen Barry, PhD, MPP
- Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy

Tyler Bartholomew, PhD
- University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Brittany Bass, PhD
- UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs

Ahmed Bayoumi, MD, MSc
- St. Michael's Hospital; University of Toronto

Czarina Behrends, PhD, MPH
- Weill Cornell Medicine

Annick Bórquez, PhD
- University of California San Diego

Diana Bowser, ScD, MPH
- Boston College Connell School of Nursing

Scott Braithwaite, MD, MS, FACP
- NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Jeremy Bray, PhD, MA
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Jennifer Brown, PhD
- Purdue University

Susan Busch, PhD
- Yale School of Public Health

Kevin Callison, PhD
- Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Mathieu Castry, PhD, MPH
- Boston University School of Medicine

Jagpreet Chhatwal, PhD
- Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Sugy Choi, MS, PhD
- NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Stavroula Chrysanthopoulou, PhD
- Brown University School of Public Health

Andrea Ciaranello, MD, MPH
- Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Lauren Cipriano, PhD
- University of Western Ontario

Robin E. Clark, PhD, MA
- University of Massachusetts Medical School

Alexander Cowell, PhD
- UNC School of Government

Erika Crable, PhD, MPH
- University of California San Diego

Thomas D'Aunno, PhD
- NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service; NYU College of Global Public Health

Michael L. Dennis, PhD
- Chestnut Health Systems

Monica Deza, PhD
- Syracuse University

Andria Eisman, PhD, MPH, MS
- Wayne State University

Eva Enns, PhD
- University of Minnesota

Rachel Epstein, MD, MSc
- Boston Medical Center

Daniel J. Feaster, PhD, MS
- University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Michael T. French, PhD, MA
- University of Miami

Peter D. Friedmann, MD, MPH, FASAM, FACP
- University of Massachusetts Medical School

Jemima A. Frimpong, PhD, MPH
- NYU Abu Dhabi

Bryan R. Garner, PhD
- The Ohio State University

Daniel Hartung, PharmD, MPH
- Oregon State University

Jeffrey Hoch, PhD
- University of California, Davis

Jason M. Hockenberry, PhD
- Yale School of Public Health

Dominic Hodgkin, PhD
- Brandeis University Heller School for Social Policy and Management

Brady Horn, PhD
- University of New Mexico

Elbert Huang, MD, MPH
- University of Chicago

Michael Irvine, PhD, MSc, MSci
- British Columbia Centre for Disease Control

Hawre Jalal, PhD, MD
- University of Ottawa

Ali Jalali, PhD, MA
- Weill Cornell Medicine

Mohammad Jalali, PhD, MSc
- Harvard Medical School

Shashi Kapadia, MD, MS
- Weill Cornell Medicine

Dhruv Khurana, PhD, MS, MA
- NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Noa Krawczyk, PhD
- NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Emanuel Krebs, MA
- BC Cancer Research Institute

Margaret Kuklinski, PhD, MA
- University of Washington School of Social Work

Neda Laiteerapong, MD, MS
- University of Chicago

Karen Lasser, MD, MPH
- Boston Medical Center

Ashley Leech, PhD, MS
- Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Alain Litwin, MD
- Clemson University

Thanh Lu, PhD
- RTI International

Catherine Maclean, PhD
- George Mason University

Justine Mallatt, PhD
- U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Tami L. Mark, PhD, MBA
- RTI International

Brandon Marshall, PhD
- Brown University School of Public Health

Erika Martin, PhD, MPH
- SUNY University at Albany

Natasha Martin, DPhil
- University of California San Diego

Steven Masiano, PhD, MS
- The Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Beth McGinty, PhD, MS
- Weill Cornell Medicine

Angélica Meinhofer, PhD
- Weill Cornell Medicine

Marlon Mundt, PhD
- University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Bohdan Nosyk, PhD, MA
- St. Paul's Hospital; Simon Fraser University

Todd Olmstead, PhD
- Cornell University

Michael Pesko, PhD
- University of Missouri

Harold Pollack, PhD, MPP
- University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration

Ioana Popovici, PhD
- Nova Southeastern University

David Powell, PhD
- RAND Corporation

Jonathan Purtle, DrPH, MPH, MSc
- New York University School of Global Public Health

Troy Quast, PhD
- University of South Florida College of Public Health

Michael R. Richards, MD, PhD, MPH
- Cornell University

Robert Rosenman, PhD, MA
- Washington State University

Kara Rudolph, PhD, MHS, MPH
- Columbia University

W. Alton Russell, PhD
- McGill University

Joshua Salomon, PhD
- Stanford University School of Medicine

Brendan Saloner, PhD
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Yuyan Shi, PhD
- University of California, San Diego

Theresa Shireman, PhD, MS
- Brown University School of Public Health

Chelsea L. Shover, PhD
- University of California, Los Angeles

Kosali Simon, PhD
- O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University

Laura Starbird, PhD, RN
- University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Thomas Stopka, PhD, MHS
- Tufts University School of Medicine

Jeffery Talbert, PhD, MA
- University of Kentucky

Cindy P. Thomas, PhD
- Brandeis University Heller School for Social Policy and Management

Benjamin Ukert, PhD
- Texas A & M University School of Public Health

Todd Wagner, PhD
- Stanford University and VA Health Economics Resource Center

Janet Weiner, PhD, MPH
- University of Pennsylvania

Katherine Wen, PhD, MS, MPP
- Vanderbilt University

Joseph West, SM, ScD
- University of Miami, Florida Institute for Health Innovation

Kai Yeung, PhD, PharmD
- Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Xiao Zang, PhD
- University of Minnesota

Gary A. Zarkin, PhD, MA
- RTI International

Hao Zhang, PhD, MPH
- University of Alabama at Birmingham

Melissa Zielinski, PhD
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences