Profile Feature

Meet members of the CHERISH research network.

April 14, 2022 Profile Feature

CHERISH Appoints Margaret Lowenstein as the Dissemination and Policy Core Co-director

The Center for Health Economics of Treatment Interventions for Substance Use Disorder, HCV, and HIV (CHERISH) is proud to welcome Margaret Lowenstein, assistant professor at the Perelman School of Medicine and senior fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI) at the University of Pennsylvania, as the new co-director of the Dissemination and […]

March 17, 2022 Profile Feature

Meet Ane-Kristine Finbraten: Harkness/Norwegian Institute of Public Health Fellow, Physician, and Researcher on Hepatitis C Elimination

Coming to New York City was an easy decision for Harkness Fellow Ane-Kristine Finbraten. The city has one of the most robust hepatitis C elimination efforts to learn from. A founding member of the Centre for Elimination of Hepatitis C in Norway and an infectious diseases provider, Finbraten was elected as a 2021-2022 Commonwealth Fund […]

November 29, 2021 Profile Feature

Catching Up with Pilot Grant Recipients Ali Jalali, Austin Kilaru, and Hao Zhang

Every spring, the Center for Health Economics of Treatment Interventions for Substance Use Disorder, HCV, and HIV (CHERISH) awards competitive pilot grants to investigators interested in developing health economic research in our areas of interest, with a focus on junior investigators and trainees. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, CHERISH pilot grants provide these investigators […]

August 12, 2021 Profile Feature

Intern Spotlight: Sona Fokum and Weston Lowry

This summer, Sona Fokum and Weston Lowry are interning at the Center for Health Economics of Treatment Interventions for Substance Use Disorder, HCV, and HIV (CHERISH) and expanding their research experience by working alongside CHERISH investigators and colleagues. Both Fokum and Lowry are pursuing careers in healthcare and recognize that this experience will provide foundational […]

July 27, 2021 Profile Feature

Pilot Grant Recipients Receive Funding to Examine Health Disparities Related to the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders, HCV, and HIV

Shoshana Aronowitz, PhD, MSHP, FNP-BC Follow Shoshana Aronowitz, PhD, MSHP, FNP-BC, on Twitter @shoshiaronowitz. Shoshana Aronowitz is a family nurse practitioner, community-engaged health services researcher, and assistant professor in the Department of Family and Community Health at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. Her research examines innovative delivery models to promote equitable access to substance […]

July 1, 2021 Profile Feature

Welcome CHERISH Advisory Board Member Dr. Victoria Behar-Zusman

The Center for Health Economics of Treatment Interventions for Substance Use Disorder, HCV, and HIV (CHERISH) is thrilled to have Dr. Victoria Behar-Zusman joining as a member of the Center Advisory Board. Dr. Behar-Zusman is a principal investigator of the Center for Latino Health Research Opportunities (CLaRO) and leads the Investigator Development Core at the Center for HIV and […]

March 8, 2021 Profile Feature

Methodology Consultation Success: Jessica Magidson

South Africa carries one of the largest HIV burdens in the world. On a global scale, nearly 54% of the population living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries reside in eastern and southern Africa, and 13% reside in western and central Africa. The growing prevalence of substance use in South Africa is also associated […]

June 30, 2020 Profile Feature

Methodology Consultation Success: Dr. Adam Carrico

“Dr. Kathryn McCollister’s input strengthened our application and we look forward to collaborating on this important and timely project that will provide valuable information on both the effectiveness and cost of this mHealth intervention.” Dr. Adam Carrico Approximately 1.6 million US adults used methamphetamine each year from 2015 to 2018, many of whom had co-occurring […]

May 26, 2020 Profile Feature

Ali Jalali, Hao Zhang and Austin Kilaru Awarded Sixth Cycle of CHERISH Pilot Grant Funding

Ali Jalali, PhD Dr. Ali Jalali is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Population Health Sciences at Weill Cornell Medical College. He completed his doctorate in economics at the University of Utah. His current research focuses on economic evaluations of interventions for substance use disorders and related conditions. His pilot grant will examine healthcare […]

December 9, 2019 Research Highlight

Methodology Consultation Success Story: Dr. Ashish Premkumar

The incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), also known as neonatal withdrawal syndrome, increased nationally from 3.4 per 1000 hospital births in 2009 to 5.8 in 2012. Recent estimates of NAS cost $1.5 billion dollars with the majority of the financial burden falling to state Medicaid programs. However, pregnancy offers a unique opportunity for women with […]

May 20, 2019 Profile Feature

Angélica Meinhofer, Margaret Lowenstein and Rachel Epstein Awarded Fifth Cycle of CHERISH Pilot Grant Funding

Angélica Meinhofer, PhD Dr. Angélica Meinhofer is an Instructor in the Department of Healthcare Policy & Research at Weill Cornell Medical College. She completed her doctorate in Economics at Brown University and previously worked as a Research Economist at RTI International’s Behavioral Health Services, Policy and Economics Research Program where she designed and conducted evaluations […]

November 13, 2018 Profile Feature

Katherine Wen and Melissa Zielinski, PhD Awarded CHERISH Enhancement Funding

Katherine Wen is a doctoral student in the Department of Policy Analysis at Cornell University. Ms. Wen is working with CHERISH Research Affiliate and Cycle 1 Pilot Grant recipient, Dr. Yuhua Bao, to assess the effects of state policies and practices aimed at improving prescriber use of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) on opioid prescriptions […]

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