Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine Second Edition
Authors: Peter J. Neumann, Gillian D. Sanders, Louise B. Russell, Joanna E. Siegel, and Theodore G. Ganiats
Economic evaluation in clinical trials
Authors: Henry A. Glick, Jalpa A. Doshi, and Seema S. Sonnad Edited by Daniel Polsky
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health: A Practical Approach
Authors: Peter Muennig and Mark Bounthavong
Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes
Authors: Michael F. Drummond, Mark J. Sculpher, George W. Torrance, Bernie J. O'Brien, and Greg L. Stoddart
Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Quantifying Health Equity Impacts and Trade-Offs
Authors: Richard Cookson, Susan Griffin, Ole F. Norheim, and Anthony J. Culyer