Advancing Evidence-Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment Policies

Penn LDI and CHERISH Conference Explores State Licensure Trends in Medications for Opioid

Penn aluma and former Louisiana Secretary of Health Rebekah Gee detailed some of the strategies her team used to get a Medications for Opioid Use Disorder law passed in one of the country’s most conservative states.

Zachary Meisel, MD, MPH, MSHP

Session 1

Welcome and Keynote Session of the 2022 Penn LDI/CHERISH Virtual Conference

Session 2

Progress Toward Model State Licensing Standards for Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUDs)

Session 3

Evaluating Impact: Using Data and Modeling to Inform Implementation of State Licensure Changes

Chinazo O. Cunningham, MD, MS

Yngvild Olsen, MD, MPH

Brendan Saloner, PhD

Rosalie Pacula, PhD