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December 8, 2015 Profile Feature

CHERISH at CDUHR: Center-to-Center Collaboration Begins

On December 8th, CHERISH Director Dr. Bruce Schackman, delivered a presentation at the NIDA-funded located at the New York University College of Nursing. CDUHR Co-director and CHERISH Center Advisory Board Member Dr. Sherry Deren welcomed Dr. Schackman, who presented an overview of the mission, goals, and organization of CHERISH. Dr. Schackman highlighted the Methodology Consultation service offered by CHERISH […]

September 25, 2015 Policy Watch

State Medicaid Spending on Sovaldi: Wide Variation in Spending and Utilization in 2014

With a price tag of $1,000 per pill and $84,000 for a 12-week course of Sovaldi (sofosbuvir), Gilead Sciences prompted widespread concern about whether its new treatment for hepatitis C (HCV) would bankrupt public and private payers. These concerns were particularly significant for state Medicaid programs, which face both limited state budgets and high HCV […]

August 18, 2015 Profile Feature

Center for Health Economics of Treatment for Substance Users Is Established at Weill Cornell Medical College

The high costs of treating the more than 7 million people with a substance use disorder may be daunting to public and private payers. The costs of not treating them may be even higher, especially if you consider the costs of failing to screen for and treat HIV and hepatitis C in this population. Sorting […]

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