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April 19, 2021 Research Highlights

Harmonizing Healthcare and Other Resource Measures for Evaluating Economic Costs in Substance Use Disorder Research

Lindsay Allen, PhD, MA, Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University The National Institute on Drug Abuse, or NIDA, considers data harmonization in substance use disorder, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) research a high-priority. Data harmonization allows investigators to synthesize data across independent studies and promote more rigorous and comparable analyses of […]

March 8, 2021 Profile Feature

Methodology Consultation Success: Jessica Magidson

South Africa carries one of the largest HIV burdens in the world. On a global scale, nearly 54% of the population living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries reside in eastern and southern Africa, and 13% reside in western and central Africa. The growing prevalence of substance use in South Africa is also associated […]

January 26, 2021 Research Highlights

Inpatient care versus outpatient MOUD treatment for individuals with OUD

In a new study in JAMA Network Open, CHERISH investigators Jake Morgan, Sean Murphy, Alexander Walley, Benjamin Linas and Bruce Schackman and colleagues, examined whether rates of opioid-related overdose and all-cause hospitalization differed after outpatient medication treatment or inpatient care for opioid use disorder. They studied individuals who had received one of three federally- approved medications […]

December 14, 2020 Research Highlights

More X-Waivered Obstetrician-Gynecologists Needed to Address Opioid Epidemic

“X-the X Waiver” has been the slogan used by physicians and public health advocates fighting for greater access to buprenorphine, a medication proven to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) with higher effectiveness than many other treatments. Despite being safe, however, buprenorphine is tightly regulated, and to prescribe it, health care providers need a permit (the X-waiver) […]

November 25, 2020 Research Highlights

Healthcare utilization patterns among persons who use drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way individuals access the healthcare system. For example, recent studies suggest high-risk populations may be foregoing necessary care out of fear of entering healthcare facilities and contracting the virus. A new study by Sean Murphy, PhD, associate professor of population health sciences at Weill Cornell Medicine and director of the methodology core […]

November 9, 2020 Research Highlights

Dissemination Science to Advance the Use of Simulation Modeling

COVID-19 has brought simulation modeling to the foreground of public discourse, as policy makers and stakeholders project the effects of different interventions to “flatten the curve.” Simulation models allow investigators to tinker with different conditions of the world to observe how they affect future outcomes; however, translating the models’ results to the public can be […]

November 4, 2020 Research Highlights

The Cost of Opioid Use Disorder and the Value of Aversion

According to a new study, the total annual cost of opioid use disorder (OUD) to U.S. society in 2018 was $786.8 billion. This figure includes costs associated with excess healthcare expenditures, criminal justice resources, lost workplace and home productivity, and premature mortality. Of the $786.8 billion, $89.1 billion was attributed to additional healthcare expenditures. The study […]

October 12, 2020 Research Highlights

Modeling infective endocarditis mortality associated with injection opioid use

Injection-related infective endocarditis (IE) is a serious and expensive medical complication among people who inject drugs (PWID). In some states, such as North Carolina there has been a 12-fold increase in injection-related IE between 2007 and 2017. Approximately 1.3% of people who inject drugs report IE within the past year, and between 0.5% and 11.8% report IE […]

October 2, 2020 Research Highlights

Rapid versus Laboratory HIV and HCV testing for People Who Use Drugs

HIV outbreaks in Indiana, West Virginia, and Massachusetts have highlighted the need to rapidly identify and treat HIV infections among people who use drugs and their social networks in order to prevent disease transmission. Many state and local health departments have expanded their fourth generation laboratory-based HIV testing capacity that allows them to identify acute […]

September 17, 2020 Research Highlights

Effects of COVID-19 on Syringe Service Programs

They have increased prevalence of pre-existing co-morbidities that may increase their risk of a negative outcome following COVID-19 exposure, for example respiratory and cardiovascular diseases due to smoking cigarettes, marijuana, or other substances. Syringe service programs (SSPs) not only provide sterile injection equipment to PWUD, but also other health services such as HIV and hepatitis C […]

August 31, 2020 Research Highlights

Patients Get More Opioids Than They Need After Knee Arthroscopy

In our new study in BMJ Open, we show that in 2015-2019 more than 70% of U.S. opioid-naive patients received an opioid prescription after knee arthroscopy. They received an average of 40 tablets, despite recent studies showing most patients end up taking less than 5 tablets. The take-home message? Despite recent attention to opioid stewardship, we find wide variation […]

July 17, 2020 Collaborations

CHERISH Awarded Five-year Center of Excellence Grant to Continue Substance Use Health Economics Research

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) of the National Institutes of Health has awarded the Center for Health Economics of Treatment Interventions for Substance Use, HCV and HIV (CHERISH) a five-year grant to continue the Center’s activities as a national center of excellence. CHERISH was founded in 2015 as a multi-institutional center for health […]

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